AXI | Atlas Concorde

Axi interprets, in a contemporary way, different wood essences enhanced by the natural ravages of
time on surfaces rich in intriguing chromatic contrasts. The vital energy of wood fi lters through the
dependable and resistant full-body coloured porcelain stoneware, in which every detail accentuates
the marked character of the inspirational material.
Axi interpreta in chiave attuale diverse essenze valorizzate dai segni naturali dello scorrere del tempo in
superfi ci ricche di intriganti contrasti cromatici. L’energia vitale del legno affi ora su un gres porcellanato
colorato in massa affi dabile e resistente in cui ogni dettaglio sottolinea l’aspetto deciso della materia d’origine.

Catalogue AXI | Atlas Concorde 




Flash White




  • 25×150 cm
  • 22,5×90 cm
  • 15×90 cm

Atlas Concorde

Atlas Concorde is a global specialist in premium porcelain and wall tiles for every style and application in residential, commercial and public architecture. Being global specialists means excellence in the level of design and technology in each type of surface, making it possible to always offer designers and end users the best solution for each application.

Company - Atlas Concorde

50 years of ceramic excellence

Since 1969 , Atlas Concorde has established itself as one of the main companies in the world ceramic market. Today our company is the ideal partner for customers and designers who seek the excellence of products capable of responding to every need of contemporary architecture. Continuous innovation , echnological research , Italian style , international vocation : these are the values ​​that have guided us until today and that will continue to do so in the future.

Company - Atlas Concorde

Creativity, design, research and Italian style

Each collection is designed to offer quality and style, for a distinctive interior design, in which it is easy to recognize the characteristics of Italian style . We offer a wide range of sizes, colors, finishes, decorations, application solutions and special pieces, to meet different architectural needs.

Company - Atlas Concorde

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