- Podele Flotante
- Gresie exterior terasa gresie balcon gresie antialunecare trotuare pavaje pavele dale alei gresie exterior dale inierbate 20 mm montaj flotant ploturi gresie
- Exterior 10 mm | Terase | Piscine | Trafic Intens
- Exterior 20 mm | 2thick | outdoor | Podele Flotante
- Gresie Exterior Antialunecare Rezistenta Inghet
- Gresie exterior 10-20-30 mm 2thick
- Gresie Exterior Rezistenta # 10-20-30 mm
Betonmetal | Terratinta
38,00 €
The peculiarity of the metal effect combined with the ductility of the concrete makes the new BETONMETAL collection original and of strong impact. A series inspired by the urban and contemporary style in which the signs, small scratches and the translucent effect become an added value. The allure of the metal surfaces is re-elaborated and developed in 4 sizes: 120×120, 60×120, 60×60, 30x60cm and on each surfaces we see the movement of the grains that recall the traces of time, together with the scratches and shades that move on the three colors proposed.
Categories: Toate Colectiile, Contemporan | Modern | Ciment | Beton | Resin | Metal, Exterior 10 mm | Terase | Piscine | Trafic Intens, Marmura | Piatra Naturala | Stone, Incalzire Pardoseala, Portelanate | Rectificate, Antialunecare | Antislip | R10 - R12 | A+B+C, Mat | Natural | Satinat, Terratinta | Italy