- Podele Flotante
- Gresie exterior terasa gresie balcon gresie antialunecare trotuare pavaje pavele dale alei gresie exterior dale inierbate 20 mm montaj flotant ploturi gresie
- Exterior 10 mm | Terase | Piscine | Trafic Intens
- Exterior 20 mm | 2thick | outdoor | Podele Flotante
- Gresie Exterior Antialunecare Rezistenta Inghet
- Gresie exterior 10-20-30 mm 2thick
- Gresie Exterior Rezistenta # 10-20-30 mm
38,00 €
Materico, contemporaneo, semplice, spontaneo, glamour, tutto questo è The Wall. Pavimento e rivestimento in gres porcellanato smaltato; 2 colori, 5 formati tutti rettificati, espressione diretta della Street Art e dei Graffiti metropolitani. I Murales e i mosaici vetrosi completano in maniera artistica The Wall. Natural, contemporary, easy, spontaneous, tactile, glamour, this is The Wall. Floor and wall glazed porcelain tile; 2 colours, 5 sizes all rectified directly inspired to the Street Art and the metropolitan Graffiti. Murales and glass mosaics are matching and artistically enhancing the collection. Solide, contemporain, simple, spontané, glamour, en un mot The Wall. Sol et mur en grès cérame émaillé; 2 couleurs, 5 formats tous rectifiés, expression directe de la “Street Art” et des graffitis métropolitains. Les Murales (graffitis) et les Mosaïques Vitreux décorent The Wall. Stofflich, zeitgemaess, schlicht, spontan, bezaubernd; das alles ist The Wall. Wand und Boden aus glasiertem Feinsteinzeug; zwei Farben mit je fuenf Formaten – allesamt rektifiziert, direkter Ausdruck der ‚Street Art’ und ‚Graffiti’ der Metropolen. Muralesdekore und Glasmosaike vervollstaendigen auf kuenstlerische Weise The Wall. Современный, простой в восприятии, спонтанный, гламурный, все это – The Wall. Пол и стена выполнены из глазурованного керамогранита; 2 цвета, 5 ректифицированных форматов, прямое выражение Уличного Искусства и Граффити Метрополитена. I Murales и стеклянная мозаика артистически дополняют коллекцию The Wall.
Glazed porcelain stoneware (GL)
3rd-4th Firing
Categories: Toate Colectiile, Exterior 20 mm | 2thick | outdoor | Podele Flotante, Gresie imitatie lemn | Gresie aspect Lemn | Parchet | Dusumea, Contemporan | Modern | Ciment | Beton | Resin | Metal, Exterior 10 mm | Terase | Piscine | Trafic Intens, Marmura | Piatra Naturala | Stone, Incalzire Pardoseala, Portelanate | Rectificate, Polisata | Lucioasa | Levigato, piatra, Antialunecare | Antislip | R10 - R12 | A+B+C, Mat | Natural | Satinat, Lappato | Semi lucios, SETTECENTO
Additional information
Dimensiuni |
30×60 10 mm A1 ,60×120 10 mm A1 ,60×60 10 mm A1 ,80×80 10 mm A1 ,BMS orice dimensiune 10 mm |
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